Problem Brushing Teeth

I have problem brushing my chloe’s teeth, so i only use cotton pad to wipe her teeth when she ia taking bath. because she dont brush her teeth, there are some dirt in her teeth :((. Everytime she see i take the toothbrush and toothpaste, she will cry and scream then run away.

I bought her a small toothbrush and toothpaste with strawberry+banana flavor. I really need to make sure she brush her teeth… anyway, are you facing the same problem like me too?? why kids doesnt like to brush their teeth??

6 thoughts on “Problem Brushing Teeth”

  1. my little cousin facing this problem too, until i tell that she having bad smell so the friends in school will not play with her. doesn’t matter she ignore the toothpaste but still daily prastice of brushing teeth is a must. I heard of a funny story, my friend said he being asked “XXX, 你吃大便来?” during the primary time, then he starts to brush teeth at least once a day before go to school.

  2. ** let her brush your teeth, make it a fun time. so both of you can brush teeth together. hahaha.. :))

  3. I tried.. I brushed teeth front of her . but when she saw the toothbrush, she screamed… :((

  4. hahahahaha.. like kids brush teeth together, learn from each. means you let her ‘help’ you on brushing teeth, then say thanks to her, or praise her doing goob job. so next time she will be OK to SEE toothbrush.. hahaha..

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