
我想最近华仔很烦吧! 这是因为他被发现已经和朱丽倩结婚了, 而且还被人查出结婚证书呢! :xknow:

现在整个娱乐圈都在讲这事情呀! 娱乐杂志都在说他是大话精!

我本身就觉得, 他有错! 这是因为他是公众人物, 万人迷和很多人的典范. 可是他还是讲了一个骗了这么多人的大话. 而且让一个女人委屈了24年呀!

可是, 众所周知的是华仔肯定有他的苦衷呀! 而且我本身就觉得不能太怪罪于他. 说到底, 他结婚与否也不是我们可以控制的哟! 更何况是我们凭什么要华仔一定要告诉我们他结婚呢? :think:

我相信如果他宣布结婚的事情, 肯定也会弄出很多的娱乐新闻. 比如那个所谓的前女友喻可欣就会出来乱说话了. 什么她也有结婚证书呀, 定情信物呀! 总之什么都会乱说的. X( 一句话, 她是傻的! [-(

所以我说呀, 不要去烦华仔呀! 让他也有自己的私人空间. 也顺便让华仔知道我是永远支持你的!




我想Arsene Wenger应该是自打嘴巴吧! 他常说其他球员爱假摔, 可是阿仙奴就也是其中的强者呀!

2006 Wenger:

“We have to fight it and there is only one way to punish people diving obviously: suspension. Once it is in the game it is difficult to get it out. Once a guy knows he might be punished he will not dive.”

2009-08-26 Wenger:

“Sometimes the players dive just because they pushed the ball too far and the only way to get something out of the situation is to dive. We are all managers who can never say that one of our players has not dived. Nobody can say that in our league. I can say that when my team are not involved I am 100% against it.” [如果是自己的球队就可以假摔吗?]

“I believe it was not a penalty but I’m not sure the keeper didn’t touch him with his right knee,”

“Eduardo might have jumped out of the way as well. I have never asked anyone to dive to win a penalty. I do not want a penalty which is not a penalty but I do not go as far as to say Eduardo dived.”

“Yes, because you are thinking, ‘Why has he done that?’ and you know you cannot explain it. At times I saw it and I said that I didn’t to protect the player, because I could not find any rational explanation to defend him.” [睁眼讲骗话!]

讲人就会, 自己也不是一样的做!
