19 Months and 1 day old…..
I’ve not been updating on Chloe’s development milestones.Well, not much to update though,ok, let see how far my ‘smart’ brain can takes me haha
Weight: about 9.2kg
Height: Almost 89cm I think
She is definitely getting cheekier each day. Likes to say ‘ Da Wo’ ( means beat me), when we just touch her; ‘Hmm Moi’ ( means Dont want), when I tell her to do something.
She loves to eat, ‘Mum Mum’ , she loves to dance, loves to go ‘kai kai’ ( go out)..:P She is very bad temper, like to throw tantrum, and if u scold her, she will give you a slap. poor Mummy and Daddy, being slapped by Chloe before.
My Chloe is growing up fast..
ahahhahahaha, 女儿奴.
must teach her la otherwise she will be ‘dai ka jie’ in school next time.. lol
9.2kg je ? mich’s son now already 9kg for only 7+ mths old. no doubt, he is a giant baby.