Tag Archives: 同事

澳洲: Canberra之旅

2010-12-16, 因为工作的关系而去了澳洲公司开会.

七个小时的飞机旅程, 真的是有点累呀. 幸好前几天没什么睡, 所以在飞机上由头睡到尾. :p

老实说, 澳洲人的生活跟我们马来西亚人真的是很大的分别呀. 他们生活得蛮悠闲的哟. 退休后来这里生活应该蛮不错的.

Canberra赌场就让人失望, 比大马的云顶赌场还小呢. 可是那边应该比较注重于娱乐吧. 感觉上赌场里的客人都不像云顶客人在拼杀赌博的. :))

三个小时的时差, 有点难适应的呢. 平常跟同事工作到凌晨2~3点, 可是因为澳洲凌晨2~3点是大马晚上11~12点呀. :green: 早上起来后, 又要等到吃午饭过后才能联络大马的同事呢. 时差真的会让人比较难跟同事一起工作呀. :xknow: 幸好在家工作一段日子了, 才能比较好控制这问题呀. :p

Mei Keng Fatt Seafood @ Kuala Ampang

A farewell celebration for some of the Sport team members, we decided to have seafood Dinner located at Kuala Ampang.

After spending 20 minutes looking for the place, we finally reached.  We ordered 7 dishes, and later added on 2 other side dishes after checking on the menu again.We had Broccoli with Fresh Scallops, Smoke Duck for non seafood dishes. The Smoke Duck was rather good.

As for the seafood dishes, we had Two Taste Giant Water Prawns, Sweet and Sour Crab, Salted Egg Crab, Steamed River Patin, Dried Chili Lala, and Cripsy Fried Squids. The Patin fish is very fresh, compare to the Seafood Restaurant in Sri Petaling, this is better. The Crispy Fried Squid was my favourite, the salted egg crab too salty for me.

Check out the size of the crab. It’s really Huge! The claw’s size is bigger than a chicken drumstick. I am not kidding! It’s Australian Crab.  The sauce was delicious and we ordered buns to dip on it. I Love it. End up, 17 of us had 14kg of crab.

Mei Keng Fatt serves very good quality seafood but the price quite expensive.Quite happening with lots of ang mo eating there.

Mei Keng Fatt Seafood Restaurant
1, Lorong Awan 6, Kuala Ampang
68000 Selangor
Tel : 03-4256 6491/ 4257 3232



朋友介绍的谭英雄火鍋店! :think: 还算不错吧.

它们的牛肉都切得好细好小片呀, 放进火鍋里都变得好小片了呀! :green:

至于它们的招牌饮料 – 绿豆浆就还ok. 如果当招牌就差太远了呀! :p

地址: 台中市西屯区河南路二段443号



2010-03-23晚上, 约了一班同事去台中的香蕉新乐园餐厅吃晚饭! 这次是第二次光临这家餐厅了. 第一次应该是在6, 7 年前了哟! :p

想去这家餐厅是因为它们的摆设非常的特别和怀旧, 所以就带同事们来这里享受一下特别的晚饭.

正因为他们的餐厅很特别, 你们可以看到周围都有人走来走去的参观和拍照片留念的. ;)) 我就是其中之一呀!

这么多样佳肴里, 我最喜欢沙拉虾球了. 一级棒的呀! :thumbup:





今年公司在Societea里举办圣诞趴地呀! 这次的圣诞趴地是老婆和同事举办的哟! 气氛还蛮不错的呀! :thumbup:

又是那句, Infinity-9趴地必定有酒的呀! ;)) 可是, 这次我没有醉哟! [:D]

你们可要看看下面的照片呀! 我可是很强壮的哟. :))

这次的抽奖, 又没有我的份呀! 每年亦如此呀! 哀呀! :sigh:

