Tag Archives: 肉骨茶

Ban Lee Bak Kut Teh @ Jalan Ipoh

Yesterday evening, Hubby, MIL and I went to Restaurant Ban Lee @ Jalan Ipoh for dinner. Before moved in to new house, Hubby promised will bring me to Ban Lee, but I waiting and waiting, finally he kept his promise after so many months.

This famous restaurant located at Jalan Ipoh, just next to Dynasty Hotel, a very short distance from the Mahameru junction. You can find this in lot food bloggers site.

We went there about 545pm, we ordered Chinese Deep Fried Cruller, plate of vege, and a bowl of Bak Kut Teh for 3 persons. The portion was just enough for three of us. People telling me eating Bah Kut Teh ( fu chok, golder needle mushroom on top), need to go with garlic and cili padi, but I don’t like garlic at all.

This is the restaurant that still uses charcoal fire to heat up the claypot. The soup was really great, full of heavy herbal aroma.



请记住2008-11-09这一天呀, 这是茶哥之钻石王老五生涯结束的一天! :devil: 茶哥要结婚了!

这真的是又累又开心的一天呀! 中午出发到半夜才到家. 一回到家, 马上爬上床睡觉了. :dsadasccc: 可是也算是特别的一天呀!

首先要讲的是午餐 – 巴生肉骨茶. 由我们巴生大哥 – Sim带我们去”直落玻璃肉骨茶店”吃. 根据他说, 是名店哟! 吃饱喝足后, 果然是名不虚传. 真的是赞!

用餐完毕, 就开始3小时多的Batu Pahat之旅了.

路途经过Parit Raja, Jen姐就带我们去买Keropok kerepek. O.O 她们买东西好像去百货公司购物一样. 女人呀! 一个字 – 强! 当一班女人疯狂购完Keropok kerepek后, 我们就继续我们的Batu Pahat之旅!

3个多小时的旅程, 终于到了传说中的Batu Pahat. :light: 因为时间尚早, Jen姐就带我们去吃喝玩乐! :dsadasccc:

首先到了一家路边喝茶, 喝了一些所谓的红豆冰和海底椰! :? 被骗了, 进了黑店. :? 不是放碗水加点糖和红豆就叫红豆冰呀!

喝完饮料后, 就马上赶去茶哥的婚礼了! 茶哥婚礼的酒家真的是满特别的呀, 而且里面也布置得很漂亮哟! ::))

茶哥的婚礼可以算是有东西吃, 有饮料喝, 还有表演看哟! 一班小孩子载歌载舞的. 好热闹呀! 也正因为如此, 其间还跟Ben说以后他的婚礼就用Sim Ming, Gary和我的女儿来表演呢! :D

酒家的食物, 必须提到的是椰子布丁. 赞哟! 好想再吃呀!

这次的活动, 真的是碰到很多朋友呀. 有Sim, Jen姐, 霞姐, Bee Hoon, Keng Meng, 金威和茶哥. 让我不禁回忆以前大家一起拼搏的日子呀. :light: 老了呀! 人家说人老了就长会回忆往事呀!

10点宴会结束后, 就开始回家了. 因为要送Sim回巴生和Keng Meng回Subang Airport. 自己又住Bandar Sunway. 就算是回家路途中跑160 km/h也要2点才到家呀! :(

最后, 我祝福茶哥早日做人成功! :devil:

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