今天3 – 0击败Aston Villa后, 我最喜欢的曼联重夺上年失去的英超冠军呀!
老实说, 剩余4场赛事领先16分. 的确是非常好的成绩呀!
今年我们引进的Van Persie真的是一流呀! 一流的态度和一流的球技.
De Gea的成长和Carrick的稳定都是我们今年的成绩保证呀! 至于Rooney, 我就觉得将他改打中场会有点浪费. 可是也有不错的传球哟.
Alex Ferguson呀! 你是最好的!
Sir Alex Ferguson attributes United’s 20th league title to the steely focus within his squad.
The players’ focus was fantastic this season, They didn’t get themselves annoyed by what happened last season. A lot of teams – most teams in the country – would have melted. But not this bunch.
The one thing I said to them at the start of the season was: Make sure you do not lose on goal difference again.