Tag Archives: 歧视


在网站读了一篇种族歧视的文章. 觉得还蛮不错的. 所以在这里与大家分享一下. :thumbup:


A 50- something year old white woman arrived at her seat on a crowded flight and immediately didn’t want the seat.

The seat was next to a black man. Disgusted, the woman immediately summoned the flight attendant and demanded a new seat.

The woman said “I cannot sit here next to this black man.”

The fight attendant said “Let me see if I can find another seat.”

After checking, the flight attendant returned and stated “Ma’am, there are no more seats in economy, but I will check with the captain and see if there is something in first class.”

About 10 minutes went by and the flight attendant returned and stated “The captain has confirmed that there are no more seats in economy, but there is one in first class.

It is our company policy to never move a person from economy to first class, but being that it would be some sort of scandal to force a person to sit next to an UNPLEASANT person, the captain agreed to make the switch to first class.”

Before the woman could say anything, the attendant gestured to the black man and said, “Therefore sir, if you would so kindly retrieve your personal items, we would like to move you to the comfort of first class as the captain doesn’t want you to sit next to an unpleasant person.”

Passengers in the seats nearby began to applause while some gave a standing ovation.

老实说, 大家都是人. 我们不应该戴有色眼镜看人的. 要人家尊敬自己, 必须先学会尊敬人.

Liverpool的愚蠢球员Luis Suarez

Britain Soccer England Racism
Britain Soccer England Racism

Luis Suarez因为对Patrice Evra说了种族歧视的语言而被判8场禁赛.

我相信这件事情让两支死敌球队的关系更加紧张了! :think: 而且, 两支球队的球迷都说自己的球员没问题呢.

就我而言, 既然Luis Suarez已经承认了对Patrice Evra说了Negros字眼的语言. 这在英超来说就肯定被判种族歧视了呀.

可是Luis Suarez还一直说他的用词在家乡Uruguay是没问题的. 真的是被他气死呀! :green: 人家说入乡随族嘛. 现在你在英国踢球呀! 当然要跟英国的规则呀! 不然, 你就回Uruguay踢球吧!

Luis Suarez笨也还好哟, 可是连Liverpool的Kenny Dalglish也盲目的说Luis Suarez不应该被禁赛呢. :evil:

It’s fantastic to have him back. He should never have been out in the first place.


曼联Alex Ferguson就说了以下的对话

If Luis is innocent why didn’t Reds appeal?

好了. 很多事情总有完结的时候!

可是就在昨天曼联2-1利物浦的球赛里, 愚蠢的Luis Suarez既然拒绝跟Patrice Evra在赛前握手呢!

盲目支持球员的Kenny Dalglish还是继续维护说

I never knew he never shook his hand. I don’t know, I wasn’t there, I never saw it. We haven’t looked at the handshakes, but that’s contrary to what I was told.

真的是超级大笨蛋呀! 就是因为他们的愚蠢行为而让曾经风光一时的利物浦而惭愧呀!


这都还不止呢! 而且, 还有愚蠢的利物浦球迷说是Patrice Evra拒绝握手在先呢! :green: 真的是无言了!
