Tag Archives: 生日

Gao Ren Guan 高人馆

Last Saturday, 1st May 2011 went to Gao Ren Guan @ Puchong with my families for my mother birthday celebration. Gao Ren Guan was one of the restaurants famous and well known in serving Gao Zhou style dishes.

When you stepped in the restaurants, you found they have very colourful wallpapers picturing their delicious specialties on the wall. And the restaurants were packed with families.

We ordered one of their famous dishes, 高州黄金卜, where pork and vegetables was stuffed into a deep fried ‘tao fu pok’ I found it very salty. And we tried their second famous dishes, 家鄉咸雞, the chicken taste good. We also ordered some other vegetables, and 公公炒猪肉and fried eggs

Overall, the food was satisfactory.


2011-02-19, 小公主三岁了呀! :thumbup:

今年老婆大人帮她准备了一个生日会, 请了很多的朋友来帮小公主庆祝呢.

可能因为小公主还没上学的关系吧, 大部分的客人都是我们的亲戚朋友而不是小公主的朋友仔哟. :)) 可是就帮她赚了好多的礼物呀! :clap:

下次等小公主上学后, 就得帮她准备一个属于她的真正生日会呀!

希望往后的日子, 小公主Chloe会高高兴兴的生活, 身体健康和万事如意呀!

最后, 也趁此机会向那些参加小公主生日会的来宾说声谢谢! ^:)^

Chloe’s 1 Year Old Birthday Party

On 14.02.2009, we have a small birthday party for Chloe. (19.02.2009 is her actual birthday). We had ordered a birthday cake and some food 2 weeks ago…We only invited relatives to chloe’s party.

On that day, Chloe is wearing her new white dress and her new shoes :) .. She is so cute.. :) Chloe was happy as she is able to eat all of the food without being restricted on that day,, kekeke