Our Love Nest (Part IV) – Light Hunting

Last Saturday, went for light hunting at Alfo, SS2. We started look for lights for our rooms, living rooms, yard, kitchen and living room.  So much choices and we didn’t know which to choose. The sales girl gave us some suggestion and we were travelling around the shops .

After an hour, we found a nice light- one of favourite is the Pendant Light for our dining area (crystal ball). And we also bought some downlights for the walkway.



:green: 最近真的是忙翻了呀!

一堆东西要处理的, 样样新鲜, 样样甘!

除了要忙工作的事情, 还要烦新屋子和家里的事情呀! 惨呀! :((

早上弄新屋子的东西, 中午就马上要去公司看新弄的程序. 尽管如此, 客人那边还是有很多东西没弄. 客人真的是欲望无尽呀! 一天24小时真的是不够用. :xknow:

工作上, 还好有一班好同事帮忙呀. 不然的话,我也不知道怎么办才好! 老婆就帮我管理新屋的事情, 减少我烦恼的地方.

如果现在我有一亿美金, 我会马上退休呀! ;))
