Monthly Archives: July 2009
这星期, 我们的团队上传了两个大功能给客人. 基本上, 我们也没有接到什么大型的投诉和问题. (希望下星期也没有投诉吧) 正因为如此, 我们整20多人在昨天晚上去Time Square的Neway里唱卡啦OK庆祝呀!
在Neway时, 我就问Jason: 今天要喝酒吗? 他很爽快的回复我说: 根据传统, 必须要喝呀! (我们常喝酒吗?) 可是昨晚也没有喝太多, 只喝了40瓶啤酒而已. 就我所知道, 没有人喝晕哟! 赞呀! 全部人都被训练有素呀!
整个晚上, 我们都抢着拿Jason的照相机来拍照片哟! 超搞笑的呀! 一群人扮鬼扮马的抢镜头呀! 至于照片的话, 就会等Jason弄好才上传咯!
因为昨天大声高唱的关系, 今天喉咙有点疼呀(消灭证据 )!
难道我真的是老了吗? 不可能呀, 我还很年轻呀. 看来, 我要多出去唱歌喝酒了. 朋友们, 出去玩记得找我呀!
Hing Ket Grill House
Last Sunday, I treated my parents, hubby and my mum-in-law to a dinner out at Hing Ket Grill House which is located at Kampung Jawa, Klang. I heard from my friend , it always full house especially weekends. So I made a booking 2 days in advance.
Their restaurant specialities are the grilled crab as well as the grilled lamb. You can order the food in advance as well especially the grilled crab.
When we reached there, the restaurant was crowded with people , everyone were sitting there waiting for the foods. We seated and I took the initiative to make the order, I ordered seven dishes- Ggrilled Fish, Grilled Lamb (5 pieces), Grilled Crabs ( 3 large crab), Fried Oyster, Butter Prawns, Mammet Chicken and Vege.
My parents and hubby enjoy the foods there, especially my Chloe. She loves the crab meat so much
Guess how much is the bill? For seven dishes + chinese teas, the total amount is about RM197-00.
在中国工作了一个星期, 今天终于回来看到老婆和女儿了!
这次过去成都比上次轻松好多呀. 这是因为上次过去要整理系统, 这次是要与那边的人讨论往后的工作流程.
我也趁此机会约了成都团队的人吃饭喝酒呀! 他们喝啤酒都好强哟! 差点就收我皮呀!
平常早回家就跟Miin一起追看中国连续剧仙剑奇狭传III, 还满好看的呀!
这次过去不知道为什么完全上不到我的博客和Facebook. 整整一个星期上不到呀, 连其他人的博客也上不到. 感觉就像脱离了一切呀! 我在想呀, 中国需要如此保护他们的网络世界吗? 我就觉得中国的网民没人权囖!
可惜这次去成都也没有去看看熊猫呀! 气死我呀!
My Honeymoon Dessert House – 1Utama
You dont have to travel to Hong Kong to try the Hong Kong style dessert. In ‘My Honeymoon Dessert House’ , Honeymoon will serve you dessert you like, choose from an incredible selection of traditional hot, cold and chilled delights ranging from rice bans, soya bean curd and sago to fruit grass jelly’s, bird’s nest and chestnut soup, all of which look good, and taste great!
Three of us flip through the menu. There are so many things we would like to try. We ordered Sweet Ball coating with cruched peanut, Mango Glutionous Roll, and Coffee Pudding.
Official Website : http://www.myhoneymoon.com.my