Tag Archives: Chloe

香港旅之二 : Our Journey To Hong Kong Day 2

Today is the 2nd day of our Hong Kong Trip. Today we will only go to one place, which is the Disneyland! Chloe was so exciting, “Mummy ..Mummy.. go see Mickey , Buzz…”! We all woke up early morning and realized the heavy rain as looked through the window.

We had our Dim Sum breakfast at the London Restaurant (倫敦大茶樓) @ Good Hope Building, Nathan Road near the hotel we staying. The London Restaurant is a fantastic, authentic Dim Sum place. How could you go Hk and not eat Dim Sum right??!! When we entered the restaurant, crowded man! As you can see from the crowd, most of the people are old uncle and aunty, enjoying their sumptuous dim sum.

After the breakfast, we took a train from Mongkok MTR Station to Lai King to change Tung Chung Line, and then we stopped at Sunny Bay MTR Station. Upon reaching the Sunny Bay station, passengers will only need to walk across the platform to interchange for the Disney themed Train. Chloe was so exciting when she see those cute Mickey handlers. Everybody rushed out after arriving Disneyland.

DISNEYLAND, CHLOE is COMING!!!!! Disney music are everywhere, after the Disneyland main entrance, we need to walk in about 4 minutes, we saw Mickey is surfing!  Daddy was busy snapping Chloe photos at the entrance. Luckily we doesn’t need to queue to get the tickets as we bought our tickets at The Peak. There were lot visitors waiting to buy the tickets at the entrance counter.

There are basically 4 lands in the Disneyland, Main Street USA, Tomorrow Land, Fantasy land and Adventure land. Every land is designed and constructed based on its own theme. At Mainstreet USA, there were lot shops, café, souvenirs etc.  While Daddy and Chloe were queuing to snap a photo with the Minnie, suddenly heavy downpours and we need to stay inside one of the souvenirs shop. After the rain stopped (about 45minutes), we took an excursion style train , which goes around the whole Disneyland.  Stopped at Fantasyland, and we went for the “Mickey 3D show”.  The 3D show was so entertaining, the sound effect and addition of splashes of water makes everyone laughed.

After the show, it was already 230pm and we looked for a place to settle down for food. Exhausted! After lunch, we saw a lot of people gathering at a place, everyone is queuing to take photos with Minnie! We also took the opportunity to take the Minnie J Chloe so happy J too bad I don’t see Donald Duck.

Then we proceed to the fantasy land. We went to the ‘It’s a Small World”, is a musical Fantasyland boat ride around the countries of the world in Disneyland Park, it populated with cherubic dolls singing a song of world peace -世界真是小小小. Don’t miss the “Golden Mickeys” musical show of all Disney’s films. Great performance.

After the show, proceed to Tomorrowland. Chloe wanted to see Buzz LightYear. Inside, we were waiting for our turn to play the shooting game. We act as the space rangers and help the Buzz lightyear to protect the universe. The shooting game is quite nice, among 3 of us, Chloe score is the highest, HAHA not bad ah!

We were really tired and went off about 630pm, afraid the MTR will be too crowded. We reached the Mongkok station at almost 730pm, headed back to hotel.

We shower and rest in the hotel room. Dinner @ 930pm. We went to Mongkok Ladies market for some shopping. It is the most popular shopping street markets in HK. It is opens from noon until 11:30pm. It is a must visit destination for fashion lovers, bargain priced for handbags, clothing, and toys.

Hubby and Chloe accompany me to Sasa, Mannings and Boujour to shop for my face masks and some facial products. And Hubby managed to get a nice jacket from G2000.

Backed to hotel about 1145pm. Absolutely exhausted, especially my Chloe Little.. Sleep ZzzzZz……


香港旅之一: Our Journey To Hong Kong Day 1

27th June 2011- Chloe was burning up some fever > 37.2deg, we were panic and we may have to cancel the trip if Chloe is not getting better.  Next early morning (3a.m.), I gave her fever reducer and hope so she would not be having fever.

On 28th June 2011, Hubby, Chloe and parents flew off to Hong Kong! Our flight was at 7.10 in the morning so we had to be at the airport at 510am. Felt relieved, Chloe temperature was at 36.8deg, she is getting excited and happy in the airport. She kept telling me- Chloe want aero plane!!   We were having breakfast at McD, LCCT. Soon after, we had to board the plane.

We arrived at the Hong Kong International Airport about 11am. After clearing the customs and immigrations, first off purchased the Airport Express ticket, from HKIA to Kowloon Station, adult fare is HKD$90, and also Octopus Card for 7 of us. Octopus Card is an electronic money card which you can pick up for 100HKD and charge up as needed. We use the card to get around on the subway during our stay in HK.

It only 20 minutes travel time from HKIA to Kowloon station. Kowloon station is situated in the Tsim Sha Tsui area. Took cab from station to hotel, we had booked a standard room in “Hotel Stanford” in Mongkok Area. Hotel Stanford is strategically located near the Mongkok MTR station which is also very near to the Ladies market (女人街), tourist attraction. Checked in to Hotel about 1245pm, and the room was pretty comfortable.  After settling down at the hotel,. So we headed for our lunch at Kam Wah Café @ Prince Edward. It started raining on our way to the café.

We will be visiting The Peak (http://www.thepeak.com.hk/) this evening. We purchased the combo tickets for the tram up to the peak and Madame Tussauds (伦敦杜沙夫人腊像馆), didn’t go for Sky Terrance because it was raining. We queue up for the ride J AS the tram move slowly and steeply up to the top, we able to view the beautiful city skyline of Hong Kong. Felt dizzy when I was in the tram. L

We visited the Madame Tussauds which exhibits over 100 local and international celebrity wax figures. You can meet your SUPERSTARs there!!! We have chance to take photos with our favourite idols. Hubby was busy snapping pictures while I were busy chasing Chloe in the center. Chloe also took photos with few celebrities Jwe also managed to buy the HK Disneyland ticket here (HKD350/adult). Didn’t stay long at the peak as it was kinda crowded and cold after the rain, so we went for dinner instead…

We didn’t want to take the tram back down so we decided to take shuttle bus (No 15) from The Peak back to Central MTR Station. The road is curvy, lots of bends. We headed back to Mongkok area for dinner @ Fuk Kee Congee. Food served wasn’t very cheap as well. After dinner, we walked back to hotel which is only about 10 minutes walk. The night scene of HK with lots of Huge billboards and the whole city is full of lights and laser shows.




好累呀. :green:

人家都说出去旅游可以充电再回去工作拼命呀. 可是为什么我会觉得旅行过后会需要回去工作充电的呢? :cry:

家庭旅行真的是不简单的呀. 要不是我有强而有力的手腕, 我也不知道怎么在1/2的旅程里抱小公主呀. 小公主常常跟我说: Chloe脚痛呀. :xknow: 我也想跟她说Daddy手要断了呀.

真的是要感谢老婆大人呀, 我唯一可以休息的时间就是妈妈和她去广场购物的时候呀. Chloe和我就可以好好的在酒店里休息和睡觉了呀. 哈哈哈哈. 女人就是女人, 不去购物就好像周身不舒服那样的. :xknow:

爸爸第一次跟我们去旅行, 我看到他好无聊和累哟. :mrgreen:



我的小公主又生病了呀. :green:

自从小公主上学后, 她就常常生病了呀. 真的是糟糕呀. :lovb 人家说, 小孩子刚去学校会因为接触到很多小朋友而生病的. 希望她会克服此艰难的考验而健健康康的生活呀.

因为生病的关系, 小公主已经上课两星期就休息一星期了. 真的是替她担忧呀. 每次生病, 全家人都会担心呀. 每天晚上都会半夜醒来照顾她. (:|全家人都很累呀. 而且看到小公主生病时候的辛苦样子就特别的难过哟. 她呀, 在生病的时候特别会洒娇的呢. :?

最后, 真的希望小公主以后可以健健康康的生活呀. ^:)^