Category Archives: 生活篇


婚后变成黄脸婆..不会吧… :(


昨天看’女人我最大’节目, 主持人蓝心湄与四个妈吗在讨论这个话题-婚后变成黄脸婆. 听了她们谈话后, 发觉自己好象慢慢变得XXX…. :( 恐怖啊!!!!我不能眼睁睁看着自己从一个淑女变成一个黄脸婆的..

告诉你们….不要以为家务事就只是扫扫地,洗洗碗,洗洗衣服, 照顾宝宝这么简单,虽然算不上是什么危险或者高难度的体力活,但是你以为这种事情人人都喜欢做啊?更何况每天都要做。 男人越来越懒,只想吃饭,不肯洗碗,日子一久了,谁受得了?脾气当然就会越来越坏,从轻言细语变成唠唠叨叨,最后到河东狮吼。HAHAHAHA….女人之所以发火,只是缺了男人们的理解。一句认可,一句赞扬,一句感谢,都是让我们重获温柔的良药!


MY 2009 Wishlist …:p :)

New 2009!!! New ME ….(but no new Hubby..kakaka )

Anyway, we need to always make each day a new day for a new you…..agree?? :P guess time really flies huh? Another year has already past and already into another New Year….7 days to be exact….

Have u made your NEw Year’s Resolution?  Me ah…. more happy, more healthy, more more money money $$$$… OK serious… let me share my 2009 wish list ( Hubby, must read n remember ah :P )

Here U go……

1) Wish can have a relaxing holiday breaks with cute hubby

2) Hubby can spare more time for me and baby

3) Spend more time with My little BB – make sure BB is healthy and Happy :)

4) Plan for 2nd baby…

5) Save more money – for better living, for our new condo..(renovation ..sigh)

6) Can have 2nd LV Bag and Burberry (haha) …. others brand also can ah..more to add when times come

Add one more ..7) Family healthy, hubby career smooth smooth hahaha


Haha -Normally baby will have their 1st four tooth at upper and lower jaw,BUT I think Chloe is already having her canine tooth , WOW !!!! I can see a little tooth growing. It’s very very little, so I haven’t taken photos yet. No wonder she’s been biting on every thing she gets into her hands!
很可愛. Every moment is so special. Another milestone!

Turning 31’s ….

This year 2009, I am turning 31 years old. Sigh! Don’t feel particularly happy about my big “three – one”, no more “two – ++++” for me. In fact, i feel depressed. Time seriously flies, especially the past 2, 3 years (since I met Benny, My Cute HUbby). I really have been “productive” in each and every way – literally! Worked @ Telebiz ( Now transferred), met benny, dated, got pregnant (sigh…what a ‘careless’), married, delivered BB, and now I am a mum of a 10-month old ++ baby-girl- My dear Chloe & little monkey. She crawls around, stands up on her own and just never stops moving around. She is very sensitive to any kind of sound, especially TV..To be honest, I am still in the process of digesting everything. I feel so old, especially after my pregnancy. I still have 2 pounds to lose to get back to my pre-pregnancy shape, Working hard on it. BUT  Got lots of compliments from people (hohoho!). People say I don’t look like I have given birth! :P


2008-12-23是我们公司软件部门的第二届圣诞节交换礼物的日子. 我呀, 可是特地去百货公司买礼物的哟! :*

我们这次的司仪是Sherry姐和强哥哟! 他们可是第一次合作哟! 可以算是处女下海呀. :dsadsad:

当天的节目除了换礼物外, 还有小游戏玩. 那游戏就是指手画脚. :dsadasccc: 选出来的人要先看一张纸条, 里面写了东西. 看的人不可以说话, 只可以用身体语言来表达. 不玩还好, 一玩才知道Reiner是我们当中最强的人呀! 每题都被他猜到. 连”窈窕淑女,君子好逑”也被他猜到. 一个字-强! :*

这次的圣诞节, 我很意外的收到Jen姐寄给我的圣诞节卡片哟! 可是用寄的哟, 不是发电子邮件呀! 想一想, 实在是太久没收到这种小卡片了, 现今的人都只会发电子卡片. :=) 实在怀念这种卡片呀! 想当年, 我们都会发卡片的哟!

最后, 要跟大家说声”圣诞节快了”. :P