Category Archives: 生活篇



我想最近华仔很烦吧! 这是因为他被发现已经和朱丽倩结婚了, 而且还被人查出结婚证书呢! :xknow:

现在整个娱乐圈都在讲这事情呀! 娱乐杂志都在说他是大话精!

我本身就觉得, 他有错! 这是因为他是公众人物, 万人迷和很多人的典范. 可是他还是讲了一个骗了这么多人的大话. 而且让一个女人委屈了24年呀!

可是, 众所周知的是华仔肯定有他的苦衷呀! 而且我本身就觉得不能太怪罪于他. 说到底, 他结婚与否也不是我们可以控制的哟! 更何况是我们凭什么要华仔一定要告诉我们他结婚呢? :think:

我相信如果他宣布结婚的事情, 肯定也会弄出很多的娱乐新闻. 比如那个所谓的前女友喻可欣就会出来乱说话了. 什么她也有结婚证书呀, 定情信物呀! 总之什么都会乱说的. X( 一句话, 她是傻的! [-(

所以我说呀, 不要去烦华仔呀! 让他也有自己的私人空间. 也顺便让华仔知道我是永远支持你的!


Ramadhan Bazaar @ Bandar Sunway

It’s that time of the year again- Ramadhan Bazaar. Hubby is going to work  :(( therefore me and mum in law decided to pay our visit to the Bazaar Ramadhan at Bandar Sunway, which is nearby our condo. I love the Murtabak, Ayam Percik, Ayam Madu and Popiah.. Yummy :))

I hope that you guys will have fun visiting pasar ramadans across Malaysia this year. EAT EAT EAT :Y:

The Confusion

读了Ken的博客文章, 觉得蛮有意思的. 特此分享.

The CEO requirement

One day, Maco had been asked to go into his CEO room. The CEO tells Maco to design a mock for a moving vehicle that able to send him from destination A to destination B. After a very big story on his CEO requirement so Maco went back to his place and try to digest his CEO requirement.

Requirement study

Maco went back to his place and do his requirement studies. After a while on the study, he suddenly found out that he did not know whether the CEO wants a sedan car, luxury car or a MPV.  He started to get confuse as every type of vehicle is actually able to meet the requirement but different type of vehicle had different of spec in doing the mock. So he plans to ask Area Manager for more details on what actually the CEO wants.

The proper planning

Maco went to Area Manger to get for further clarifications. Maco brings out all his concern to the Area Manager and brings all the studies to him. The Area Manager found it very serious and he suggested proper planning need to be executed in order to have the best mock up present to his CEO. The Area Manager decided that he will call up all the Department Head to have a meeting and going to provide a statistic on which type of vehicle that best suit the current market.  After hearing the planning, Maco starts to get relief and continue back his daily task.

Nothing had planned

One month later …….. Sales Manager come to Maco and asked him about the status of the design. Maco get shocked as he is still pending the decisions on the Area Manager. He told the Sales Manager that the Area Manager had promised to come out a statistic on which type of vehicle should design. The Sales Manager also shocked as he had been told from the CEO that he needs the proposed design on next month but now actually nothing had been proceed.  Maco started to get blur, so he planned to go back to the Area Manager to ask for the statistic.

Back to basic

Maco rushed to the Area Manager Room to get for explanation. Maco asked whether the statistic had come out from different department. Area Manager once again seriously answer to Maco that the statistic still haven’t come out, but he told Maco in order to safeguard yourself please design a mock of sedan car, luxury car and a MPV for CEO to choose himself and this will never go wrong.

The End

Maco  (T_T).



一直以来, 我们都有争议在客人的需求. 一直问, 你们知道客人真真要的是什么东西吗?

这可能是所有IT工作人员常会遇到的问题呀! 可是谁又能说自己最能掌握客人的需求呢? 这是因为客人往往也不知道他们要的是什么东西呀! :xknow:

IT User Requirement



Sleepy Work

我常被人说”你怎么好像没有睡醒呀?”. (:|

我呀! 可以告诉你们我是时常睡眠不足的呀!

最近, 更加睡眠不足了. 这是因为Migration的原因. 我想我的旧队友肯定对这项目很害怕吧! [-O:

可是, 这也是我们的一个可怕又值得纪念的工作日子呀!

这次的Migration呀, 真的是好累哟! 不够人手且外加很多功能! 所以, 这次的Migration是更压力呀. :xknow:

每次的Migration都会有意想不到的事情发生, 也不知道是自己的编排不好呢还是天意呢? 总有犯错的机会.

Migration呀, Migration! 你要什么时候才远离我呀.


