Category Archives: 生活篇




以前在ehostpros的时候, 真的是被他们的技术人员气死呀. 答非所问, 而且还不清楚你在问什么问题的. 帮你解决问题的时间又需要很久的时间. 其实早就想换了, 可是想想在那边用了5~6年了. 也很懒去换呀, 须知道我是蛮忠心的呀. ;)) 而且以前他们的服务也蛮好的. 也不清楚为什么这1~2年会变得这么差. :green:

现在转换去了JustHost, 希望他们可以给我的博客有好的发展吧. :think:

为什么选择JustHost, 那是因为它有很多优惠.

  1. 域名终生免费.
  2. 无限空间.
  3. 无限频宽.
  4. 被很多网站选为优秀机房.

如果你们也想选择JustHost的话, 记得点按我的JustHost广告牌哟. 让我赚一下它们伙伴计划的钱吧! :p




老实说, 以前觉得买屋子很难! 为什么呢? 那是因为:

  1. 钱 – 要给首期, 然后就是要命的每月供款! 每月供款还要持续往后的几十年呀! :green:
  2. 时间 – 要去选择你们心水的屋子. 时常要东跑西跑的, 很累人呀!

现在呢, 就觉得买屋子不只这些呀! 还有装修, 买家具的呢. 全部都要钱. 除了钱, 还很累人的呀. 你要常常出去看家具, 去选你们喜欢的. 而且, 你还要跟装修佬过招呢! 他们通常都会在几个地方偷鸡的呀. 你要常去检查他们弄的地方. 有时候, 当他们同时执行几个工程时就更凄惨呀. 他们都会说现在不得空, 迟点再帮你弄的理由咯! :xknow:

所以, 我奉劝各位千万不要过早给完全部的费用(装修和家具). 不然的话, 他们拿了钱就会跟你说拜拜咯! :))

当弄完这些东西后, 就剩最后一烦了. 就是将你以前屋子的东西搬去新屋. 那时候, 你们会发现你们会收藏了很多买了可是从来没有用过的东西呀! [lol] 而且还要找货车搬呀! 想想将旧物的东西全搬去新屋, 就马上要晕倒了. :green:

搬屋子, 以后别搞我呀! 累人伤财呀! 不符合经济效益的呀!


Pocoyo.. 小P忧忧

I put ‘小P忧忧’ in my YM status quite some time and some of my colleagues asked me what is Pocoyo -小P忧忧. Pocoyo in Spanish means ‘Little Me’. Pocoyo is a curious friendly and fun loving little boy (like my cutie pie .. hehe)that has Elly the pink Elephant, Pato the Duck, Lula the Dog and Sleepy Bird as his friends. They are always looking for new adventures and the show is actually quite educational for kids. There is a narration in the show and sometimes the show would teach about manners, saying sorry, doing the right thing and so on. Its a fun educational show which I as an adult also like to watch :oops: wathing together with my chloe

Chloe absolutely loves this show. Even with the opening introduction, she would be smiling and laughing and telling me ‘ cocoyo..cocoyo’- She cant pronounce clearly. And she really paying attention from the beginning to the end. The language /dialog they used in the show is very simple and a toddler who can speak and understand the show.

Pocoyo is aired in Astro-Playhouse Disney Channel 651 on daily basis. As for me, I bought the  series of Pocoyo DVD for Chloe . until now is 24 Episodes. :)))


Elcerdo, Changkat Bukit Bintang, KL

Last Friday,i had a fine dining with my team members at Elcerdo, Changkat Bukit Bintang. A pork specialist restaurant, when i mention pork specialist.. means .. everything serve in the restaurant is PORk related… For porky lovers, you can never miss out this porky heaven.. :)

 Elcerdo means ‘The Pig’ in Spanish!! And Elcerdo nose to tail eating means you can find wadever pork stuff in this restaurant… even photos , items display in the restaurant… XD.. They have 1st class service, they even provide you a small stool for you to put your handbags…

The chef recommended Cured Honey Ham RM48++,and we ordered  Soft Ribs and Crispy Knuckle to share.  The tomato soup with fine bits of pork was complimentary. The soft ribs are grilled in spices, with fine herbs and rum, but i prefer the honey ham much….The crispy knucklewas very expensive, RM98++, but it fullfilled all our tastebuds!!

We ordered Western’s Special for dessert to finish off the meal.

Call them for reservations, they’re really , really packed!! 03-21450511


Perfect Skin. Looks Young Forever

People tell me I looks young, I doen’t look like 32. Therefore i hardly bother much about skincare especially eyes care nd fine lines :( , not until i gave birth to Chloe. Now adays, people always talking about anti-aging, fine line treatment,, wrinkles.. bla bla bla .. And I have to admit..lack of sleep have put a toll on my skin… :((  The next morning , once i stepped in the office,my female colleague (YC) will ask me- you didnt sleep well yesterday night?? why you look so tired and………I was horrified when YC told me, her friend commented that I look older than my lovely hubby .. WTH..( though i am older than him in term of age, but all this while ALL of our friends/relatives saying I am look younger than him) … So, what is look younger ?? Me or Hubby???

I now find myself  spending  more and more time touching up my eye bags and buying various cream to minimise the fine lines at my fore head and corner of my eyes… [-O: … I start taking cxxxxx supplement every morning to help my skin  reclaim a youthful appearance…. sigh…. BUT i heard that some of the cxxxx pills known to help both with weight loss and reduction of wrinkles…OMG!!!!!!  I NEED to gain weight NOT lose weight… Do you think I need to stop taking my supplement?? or continue………