Category Archives: 生活篇


Happy Valentines Day

This year both Valentine’s Day and Chinese New Year happen to be in the same day. I  am sure all of the couples who were under immense pressure picking up a gift or choosing a perfect place for the candle lit dinner will feel relieved.

For me, same as last year, valentine’s day is a common day for me and hubby, no celebration .. But i still Love u always My Hubby.always I am Yr valentine..

 Love u Babe, Happy Valentines Day !! :)

Lunch @ Chakri Palace KLCC 11022010

Today Seng treats us lunch at Chakri Palace , KLCC because he won the Rm3,000 cash prize during our company CNY dinner 2010. The environment was good with CNY theme and decorations.

Of course, we have to try their Tom Yam Kung, it taste good.  We ordered Kangkung Belacan, Green Curry, Mango Salad and Pandan Chicken. Mango Salad is YC’s favourite, she insisted to order this.

Four of us enjoyed the food very much, very full full.

TM Suck :(((((

TM SUCK. I think  TM need to overhaul their service…provide rubbish connection, rubbish comment and rubbish recommendation.. Called TM Customer Care Officer few times, talking to four different people, each of them gave me shit answers, different answer…ineffiency

Requested to transfer my TM number and streamyx line from old house to  new house one month ago, they took ages to transfer the line , and then they told me currently they unable to transfer becox unable to locate our new home address, and ask me to wait for 2 months , is minimum 2 months… Shit them. I spoke to the condo management officer, replied me that the residents didnt face this problem at all…I called up TM again,, they still gave me the same reply… – wait wait wait 2 months… need upgrade bla bla bla…

Requested to terminate the auto debit as well. Asked me to fill up the form and fax over to HQ. I faxed over the form 2 days ago, n when i called up this morning , they told me,,”ooo, you cant fax over the form, you need to go to TM point personally to terminate the auto debit thing.. bla bla bla..’ WTF!!

Very very, extremely frustrated with TM..

Cannot delete file: Cannot read from the source file or disk

今天下载文件时, 不知道为什么出现了问题以至档案名称变成”a.xls.”了. :xknow:

Window XP - 删除档案问题


Cannot delete file: Cannot read from the source file or disk

我也不知道发生了什么事情, 所以就跑去Scan Disk看看可不可以解决这问题了. 怎么知道跑了一个小时的Scan Disk还是不行呀! 所以就跑去Google里去查查看有什么问题了.

查了很久, 终于给我找到方法了. 你要在删除档案的时候加”\\?\”来避免Window的检查.

Window XP - 删除问题档案指令


  1. 开Command Prompt – Start > All Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt
  2. 删除档案的指令 – del “\\?\c:\Documents and Settings\BolSolution\Desktop\Files\20100201\a.xls.”

备注: 只在Window XP里测试过.
