Category Archives: 生活篇




世界杯开始的两天, 几乎都有看所有的5场球赛. 看完后, 整个人浑浑沌沌的. 而且还不够睡呀! (:| 以至我不敢在星期天那天追看所有的赛事呀. :xknow: 不然的话, 就没有精神上班了哟.

看了世界杯有四天了, 总觉得这次的世界杯比以往少了进球呀. 只有德国那场进了四球, 其他的最多进两球. [-X 不够刺激咯.

这么多场的球赛, 自己非常喜欢韩国vs希腊. 韩国赢2-0. 一开始就非常希望Park Ji Sung可以带领韩国为亚洲争光呀. 果然他没有辜负我对他的期望, 可以看到他贯穿整场球赛呀. 犀利的传球, 满场飞奔和攻入一球以便锁定胜局都证明了他是现在的亚洲第一人呀. :thumbup:

希望其他亚洲队伍可以在此世界杯赢更多的球赛! 加油!


Day 2 – Ubud Art Village – Tegalalang Terrace – Toya Devasya @ Hot Spring- Kintamani Volcano @ Mount Batur – Yoga Plantation @Kopi Luwak – Ubud Central Market- Galuh Bali Spa

Breakfast in hotel @ 820 before we start our one-day tour around the beautiful island of Bali!

Ubud Art Village
The local tour guide come and picks us at 9am to the Ubud Art Village (about 1 hour journey from Kuta). Both of us fall asleep in the MPV.. too tired.
Our 1st stop for the day was a small Gold and silver smith at Celuk Village.  Silver has long been valued as a precious metal, and it is used to make nice jewellery.The owner there shared with us how the process of sterling silver jewellery goes.  I bought a nice earring for my dear (YC) which cost about Rph 180,000.

Next, we headed to the Art/Painting Collection Studio at Mas Village. We were very fascinated with their art piece there. We witnessed some of the locals drawing the pictures on some sort of clothing materials and put on the color on it. We browsed thru the studio but we didnt but anything there.

Tegalalang Terrace/ Toya Devasya
On our way to Toya Devasya, we have a chance to see the nice padi terrace at Tegalalang Village.

We headed to our next destination, Hot Spring @ Toya.  Toya is water in Balinese and Devasya is Holy in Sanskrit.  Both locations of Toya are by the water; on the hot spring of Toya Bungkah by Lake Batur within the caldera of Mount Batur stitched with Mount Abang in Kintamani. Toya Devasya offers a comprehensive package of spending a healthy body and mind holiday, to escape from your mundane tasks and routines, always inside the hands of Mother Nature.

As we enter, we saw locals and some tourists washing themselves with the Holy water in a pond. We didn’t bring our swimsuit, so we can only feel the water with our hands. By that time, our stomachs were growling in hunger. We were served a local steamboat in the lake Side ( lunch included in the package).

Kintamani Volcano @ Mount Batur
Next, we head to the viewing spot of Mount Kintamani! According to the tour guide, Mount Kintamani is still an active volcano. We were really glad that the weather was cooling on top and can witness the beautiful panorama of Batur Volcano and their lake.

Ubud Central Market
Now, we were at lady shopping paradise @ pasar Ubud.  There were lot beautiful ole ole (souvenirs), price slightly cheaper than Legian Street. I buy some dresses for myself, my Chloe and YC. Hubby buys something for himself too. I realized my bargaining power not bad too XD

Galuh Bali Spa
After a tiring day travelling and busy bargaining, we were really looking forward to our booked spa package at Galuh Bali Spa.  It takes about 1 hour journey from Ubud Central market to Galuh Spa Center. We were paired in pairs in a room. Out spa treatment started with a foot waash and after that, it was oil massage and lastly body scrub. Hubby shared that the spa service was not very impressive. It costs is USD65/person.

After a late night meal in hotel, we headed back to our room and rest….


Day 1 – Ngurah Rai Airport – Rosso Vivo Dine & Lounge – Uluwatu Cliff Temple – Sea Food Dinner @ Jimbaran Bay- Jalan Legian

Booked our ticket in December 2009 and planned for our Bali trip in March 2010. Unfortunately, due to some incident; we have to postpone our trip to 3rd June.  And.. in a blink of an eye, both of us were ready for our Bali trip !! Here we COME!

Reached LCCT about 730am, checked in our luggage and had breakfast in Starbucks. Flight from Malaysia to Denpasar (Bali) is about 2 and half hours.

Ngurah Rai Airport

Arrived at Ngurah Rai Airport about 1220pm. The airport is located in southern Bali, 13km from Denpasar town. Queued up for about 45 minutes to cleared the check point L

Our driver (forgoten his name XD) picked us up from the airport and sent us straight to Holiday Villa Hotel (Kuta Bali). We booked a deluxe room and breakfast (3 Days) and dinner (1 Day) included. I was embraced by traditional Balinese architectures blended with lush tropical gardens.

Holiday Villa Hotel, is just 2 minutes walk from the famed Kuta beach, and 3 minutes stroll from popular shopping district, Legian Street :)

Rosso Vivo  (means bright red)

After checked in, had lunch at restaurant called “Rosso Vivo” located at Jalan Pantai Kuta, front of Kuta seaview Cottage, 20 minutes walking distance. (Sweat walked under the hot sun). Rosso Vivo is dining restaurant selection of top Italian a la Carte menu, Set Menu, Traditional home mad pizza and also Buffer menu; designed in comfortable, cozy, romantic environment with beautiful kuta beach view. The lunch costs us Rph 430,000 (Rm150++). The serving of the food was huge portion, delicious!

Uluwatu Temple

Next,  visiting to Uluwatu Cliff temple which is about 30 minutes from Kuta Bali. We paid Rph 400,000 for 2 persons. Uluwatu Temple located at the southern of the island, where you will find a temple balance on the cliff’s edge with drop of 250ft. It is a beautiful place to see sunset. Before we are able to enter the temple, we are told to tie a cloth over our waist and for those pants are shorter than knee length. This is a sign of respect

A local guide was assigned to us to show the way inside the temple. As we walked along the temple, can see lot cunning monkeys  J The view over the temple was very beautiful ( see our lovely pictures taken on top of the cliffs)

Jimbaran Bay

Started our journey for seafood dinner at Jimbaran. Hubby was starving. We were fascinated by the ambience of the place as the tables were set on the beach facing the sea. We started to place our dinner. We ordred package A (Rph 1,007,103 for 2 persons); The package includes 1 big bottle beer, 1 glass of wine, two fishes, squids, prawns, mussels, lobsters, crabs and vegetables (kangkung). My colleagues told me the seafood restaurants are very expensive but we felt it was quite reasonable as the food was pretty good and the portion was sufficient for two of us.   Can see there is char grilled corn-on-the cob from beach vendors and they have dancers on stage.

Walked around Jalan Legian and grabbed a glass of Starbuck Ice Blended Mocha (Rph 49,000) before we called it a night J

P/S: More pictures in FB (Rating -4/5)



南非世界杯2010终于要在2010-06-11开踢了呀! :clap:

四年一度的足球盛事呀! 所有的足球迷又要挨夜看足球了. 也正因为如此, 这段时间都会看到很多熊猫的. 上班时, 大家都心照不宣哟. I-) 看来, 也是时候叫老婆大人买货(零食和啤酒)了.

这届世界杯, 我比较看好西班牙呀. 他们是欧洲杯2008的冠军球队, 而且在这几年里都赢多输少呢. 前锋如Fernando TorresDavid Villa就已经可以吓死人了. ;))

至于英格兰, 只要他们自己争气的话, 夺冠的机会也蛮大的哟. 自从Fabio Capello入主后, 英格兰就突变成为强队了呀. 而且英格兰球会在这几年主宰了欧洲联赛冠军杯呀. Wayne Rooney呀, 你要争气呀. 证明给大家看, 你是最强的呀!

每年的世界是一个让足球员表现自己的大型舞台以便证明自己的出色球艺哟. 这样一来, 他们才能吸引到豪门们的兴趣呀. 我也希望可以看到一些不曾见过的球员呀.

在次, 我也希望曼联球星们可以在此世界杯发挥出色呀.


亚洲区(4支): 澳大利亚, 日本, 韩国, 朝鲜

大洋洲区(1支): 新西兰

欧洲区(13支): 荷兰, 西班牙, 英格兰, 塞尔维亚, 意大利, 丹麦, 德国, 斯洛伐克, 瑞士, 希腊, 葡萄牙, 斯洛文尼亚, 法国

中北美区(3支): 墨西哥, 美国, 洪都拉斯

南美区(5支): 巴西, 巴拉圭, 智利, 阿根廷, 乌拉圭

非洲区(6支): 南非(东道主), 加纳, 科特迪瓦, 喀麦隆, 尼日利亚, 阿尔及利亚


刁蛮的小公主: Chloe


我的女儿, 当真是一位刁蛮的小公主呀! :sigh:

她根本就不听我老婆的话. 老婆骂她, 她就当耳边风. 昨晚还弄坏了老婆的眼镜呢. 8O

我妈妈就常说如果老婆和我不在家的时候, 她是很乖的. :think: 可是就不知道是不是这会事了.

幸好, 她还会怕我呀! 怕我着个帅气的Daddy. ;)) 都已经跟你们说了: 我很有威严的啦! :thumbup:

每天晚上, 都要被我骂一顿才肯去睡觉呀! 不骂她, 我睡了她也还没睡呢.

一脱完衣服洗澡就跑去躲, 要人捉她才肯去厕所洗澡.



照顾小公主真的是不简单呀! 我的妈妈好强呀! ^:)^