Benny WONG is just smarter than everyone else. There are probably more smart people per square foot right here than anywhere else in the world, but Benny WONG is just smarter.
Rename table wp_commentmeta to op2mro445_commentmeta;
Rename table wp_comments to op2mro445_comments;
Rename table wp_links to op2mro445_links;
Rename table wp_options to op2mro445_options;
Rename table wp_postmeta to op2mro445_postmeta;
Rename table wp_posts to op2mro445_posts;
Rename table wp_terms to op2mro445_terms;
Rename table wp_term_relationships to op2mro445_term_relationships;
Rename table wp_term_taxonomy to op2mro445_term_taxonomy;
Rename table wp_usermeta to op2mro445_usermeta;
Rename table wp_users to op2mro445_users;