Perfect Skin. Looks Young Forever

People tell me I looks young, I doen’t look like 32. Therefore i hardly bother much about skincare especially eyes care nd fine lines :( , not until i gave birth to Chloe. Now adays, people always talking about anti-aging, fine line treatment,, wrinkles.. bla bla bla .. And I have to admit..lack of sleep have put a toll on my skin… :((  The next morning , once i stepped in the office,my female colleague (YC) will ask me- you didnt sleep well yesterday night?? why you look so tired and………I was horrified when YC told me, her friend commented that I look older than my lovely hubby .. WTH..( though i am older than him in term of age, but all this while ALL of our friends/relatives saying I am look younger than him) … So, what is look younger ?? Me or Hubby???

I now find myself  spending  more and more time touching up my eye bags and buying various cream to minimise the fine lines at my fore head and corner of my eyes… [-O: … I start taking cxxxxx supplement every morning to help my skin  reclaim a youthful appearance…. sigh…. BUT i heard that some of the cxxxx pills known to help both with weight loss and reduction of wrinkles…OMG!!!!!!  I NEED to gain weight NOT lose weight… Do you think I need to stop taking my supplement?? or continue………



这一两年, 到处都开了很多Old Town. 尤其在吉隆玻呀, 到处可见.

很多人都会去那边喝它们的白咖啡呀! 老实说, 蛮好喝的哟!

可是, 如果拿来跟正版的怡保白咖啡呀! 就完全没得比较呀! [-X 怎么说都还是正版的好呀!

趁这次回去参加表妹的婚礼, 也顺道去享受一杯传说中的白咖啡! 赞! :thumbup:

正所谓: 平生不喝怡保白咖啡, 便喝咖啡也恍然! 所以呀, 你们要记得去怡保喝白咖啡哟!
