

每天都在想工作, 系统, 进度的事情, 想到要发疯了呀….就连一年一度的情人节也正因为工作的关系而跟Jason吃晚餐呀! O.O 有够暧昧呀! :P

真的很想彻底的去冬眠呀! 静静的睡觉… :=) 无忧无虑的睡, 应该不是很奢侈吧?

希望尽快完成任务以便可以来个超级无敌霹雳旋风欲死欲仙的悠长冬眠假期呀! ::))

Chloe’s 1 Year Old Birthday Party

On 14.02.2009, we have a small birthday party for Chloe. (19.02.2009 is her actual birthday). We had ordered a birthday cake and some food 2 weeks ago…We only invited relatives to chloe’s party.

On that day, Chloe is wearing her new white dress and her new shoes :) .. She is so cute.. :) Chloe was happy as she is able to eat all of the food without being restricted on that day,, kekeke