4 thoughts on “Gold Investment Account”

  1. I study this too b4 but I found out the buy and sell rate margin is too high.
    One ‘oz’ current rate they sell is RM 4013 but they buy only with RM 3855 which is roughly around 4%. Which I think better go for fixed deposit which you can get 3.xx% or stock trading where you can go for bluechip stock such as MBB, DIGI .. which give high interest and also the commission only 0.45%

    1. :sigh: It’s true that the margin for sell and buy is high…..
      But me feel disappointed to stock trading jor…… :green: buy high sell low! :((

      1. Stock trading concept : Buy and keep. Do not do daily trade. Potential to keep it up to 1 years. Buy after Raya and sold it off one year before Raya when it is at the peak.

  2. yes.. agree ! for stock, no daily trade. So far for benny,, he keeps for more than a year and sell,, also earn not much,., tht’s why he disappointed jor

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